Importance of Thank You

 Importance of Thank You

When someone sends you a thank you note, it is not because they are thankful for your help, although that may be the case. It could be because they want to show you how much they value your help and efforts. To do this, use the words “thank you” when you write or say something about the person who sent you the letter. If there are two people in your life involved in making a new friendship with someone else, you say thank you to both of them. It would also show the other person how they can improve their relationship with you and how well they have treated you. An appreciative remark will say, “thank you so much for thinking of me”, or “thank you so much for being in my life”. For example, it would say, “thank you for taking care of me when I was sick” or “thank you for being on my side during important times in my life”. Another thing is to say thanks for sharing your experience with someone helpful to you. You could say this by asking the person what they think they should tell you and what they think that you should do. They may be saying thank you for talking to them about things in life that they may feel like they need to help you deal with, or they may be saying thank you for being a good listener. Another way of showing gratitude for the help that has been given is by giving “thank you” a thought before you take action. Here are some ways to do it: When you get an unexpected phone call or visit, immediately ask yourself whether or not the call is from your boss, schoolmate, neighbor, or someone you know. In most cases, it isn’t, so thank goodness for the call. If it was, it must be something good, and tell them you are grateful you were able to help them. Your boss might always call if he is feeling down, especially now that he has got his own business. Be nice and offer help but don’t put any strings on their strings. If he is talking to another person about work or home issues, tell him to call back later and see what he has got up to. Don’t let them down if they get an angry reply. That will make the problem worse and may cause you even more resentment. The second type of appreciation is to thank people for doing something kind for someone else. Then go about your day and make sure you give a helping hand to whoever needs you. Some people in our society are very good at finding out about each other and bringing gifts and flowers to those who are doing something helpful for their neighbors. This makes other people happy, keeps their spirits high, and gives them something to smile about.  Say “thank you” for bringing a gift basket to the postman. When you find this thoughtful gesture by the person, say, “thank you so much and it’s wonderful”. Finally, many people are hard to please but you should try to remember that you may never know what a person is going through before you arrive at anyone’s house. A simple hug could mean the world to the poor boy who has had a bad day, only to realize that he didn’t realize how much that hug was going to buy him. Being a generous person is much better than keeping a lid on your emotions or trying to avoid any conflict between you and that person. Give thanks for every act of kindness, even if it’s small. There is nothing more irritating than refusing someone else’s offer if you want to have a conversation with them. Not only are you rude, but you might seem as though you are selfish. But if you start treating others like you want to treat them, then all that matters is that you are kind to them and they love you for it. If you were an elderly person, you wouldn’t worry about meeting relatives, friends, and colleagues who might look on with suspicion at you as if you were a stranger. Just say, “thank you”, and you have made others happy; the same goes for everyone around you. One of the best things you can ever do for anyone in your neighborhood is to thank them for lifting a car over their shoulders for a socially awkward kid. And one of the best kinds of kindness is to turn away as soon as you feel comfortable. Asking someone to hang a poster of them on your wall, or offering a tip is going to make them think you are giving some sort of respect back. If you had someone you needed to keep company with, you would want to be helpful to them as much as humanly possible. By using these three methods, you would make a difference in someone else’s life by what they could do for yours if they were the same age. Take care of yourself by saying Thank you to yourself, and take care of others by doing something for someone else.
